In occasione della festività di Santa Barbara, protettrice dei minatori, il prossimo 3 dicembre, alle ore 10.30, verrà celebrata presso la chiesa Santa Maria di Ostra Vetere, una Messa per ricordare e riflettere sulle numerose vittime delle miniere.Can you translate it, my dear Raqqash?
da Stefania Mancini e Marco Titti
Familiari di minatori
La ricorrenza e la celebrazione di domenica prossima ad Ostra Vetere assume un grande significato in quanto a volerla sono stati alcuni familiari di minatori che intendono ritrovarsi, oltre che per la celebrazione, anche in vista di altre iniziative che vogliono intraprendere.
“Vogliamo ricordare – sostengono Stefania Mancini e Marco Titti – tutte le persone che hanno vissuto la durezza delle miniere”.
“Probabilmente pochi sanno che per tanti anni – proseguono i familiari di Mario Mancini morto nel 2002 e Ludovico Titti deceduto recentemente dopo aver lavorato nelle miniere del bacino di Charleroi in Belgio – i minatori sono stati mercificati in cambio di carbone che veniva fornito allo stato italiano.
Al giorno d’oggi fortunatamente non si verificano più casi del genere ma è altrettanto vero che in altre parti del mondo – come in Cina – continuano a registrarsi situazioni allarmanti e drammatiche nelle miniere”.
“Dimenticare – concludono Stefania e Marco – è impossibile ed anzi sarebbe opportuno spiegare la storia di tanti Piccoli Italiani che hanno Grandemente contribuito a far crescere l'Italia del dopo guerra sulla loro pelle. Per questo vogliamo che la Messa in programma domenica ad Ostra Vetere sia un punto di partenza per coinvolgere le numerose famiglie di minatori che vivono nella nostra zona”, Vogliamo raccoglierci per chi non è più tra noi e poi fare conoscenza.
Tu che ci leggi, fai da passa parola.
01 December 2006
Please green my Apple
What frightened me are the reactions Apple-fans often had to the campaign (some examples in italian): beginning from the idea that Greenpeace should blame also other companies, that they're just hoping for free publicity to the fact that if Apple will do as Greenpeace the hardware will be more expensive....
Sure, it's true, it's an aggressive technique to try to let people know about the problem.
Some Apple fans are the best corporate soldiers Nike and other corporations (and maybe also some churches) are trying to raise with their spot lifestile. And they're all volountary!
30 November 2006
Litvinenko and friends
The thing is: Litvinenko has been dying for two weeks, and having interviews of any sort against Putin. Now. If I were Putin, and I wanted someone dead, I'd kill him right away, instead of slow-poisoning him and letting him shout to the whole world how bad and evil I am. Am I right?
Newspapers say that Litvinenko spoke about the Politkovskaja affair. That's another smelly murder. It smells of many things, and was correctly done in the way and at the right time to have people scream Putin! Putin!
I'm not saying Putin is an angel, he is not and Cecenia is filled with blood he should pay for. But, but, all these murders sound like they are so much good for the big energy companies that want Putin KO, to get their hands on the gas and petrol ways that criss-cross the Russian lands.
So. Good hunt. And, good luck.
26 November 2006
Points of view - about the Litvinenko affair
On his blog he says that Litvinenko had a lot on informations on the connections between Romano Prodi, actual Prime Minister of Italy, and the KGB. Litvinenko spoke about these relations also at the Commission above.
But today the newspaper Repubblica come out with a taped interview to Litvinenko from March, 3rd 2005, where he told that he replied to the above commission that he didn't knew who Prodi was.
When you tell about points of view...
It should be interesting to hear that taped interview
My dear Raqqash, this evening you can expand more on the argument. Some ideas: digging into the past of Paolo Guzzanti, an ex-communist that must have something against Afghanistan, and looking better into the two articles, where it's difficult to see Paolo saying explicitly that Litvinenko told about Prodi in front of the Commission but that is one of the main points of the article.
27 October 2006
SS Travel Agency offers in detail
I see that we are immediatly starting with heavyweights arguments! I could stay the whole night at the keyboard to write about all of this but I'll try to offer some quickjumps and be more on it in the next days:
"Amnesty International uses the term "rendition" to describe the transfer of individuals from one country to another, by means that bypass all judicial and administrative due process. In the "war on terror" context, the practice is mainly – although not exclusively – initiated by the USA, and carried out with the collaboration, complicity or acquiescence of other governments. The most widely known manifestation of rendition is the secret transfer of terror suspects into the custody of other states – including Egypt, Jordan and Syria – where physical and psychological brutality feature prominently in interrogations. The rendition network’s aim is to use whatever means necessary to gather intelligence, and to keep detainees away from any judicial oversight."
These are the first words of an April 2006 Amnesty International document: "Below the radar: Secret flights to torture and ‘disappearance’". The document, with detailed informations also on tranfers from Europe and Italy (at least 2 from Pisa airport) can be found at;- Adamo Bove was the head of security governance in Telecom Italia, and on July, 21st 2006
"just after 12 noon, Adamo Bove fell to his death on a motorway in Naples. He had just left his wife to do some errands in town while he headed home. On an overpass he stopped his car, put on the emergency lights, and apparently jumped to his death, presumably making sure there were no oncoming vehicles on the highway some thirty meters below him."
as is written in;sid=2006/7/24/41816/5846. He played a crucial role in many criminal cases (also in some depicted from Amnesty international); "Michele Sindona (known in banking circles as "The Shark"; born May 8, 1920, Patti, Sicily; died March 22, 1986, Voghera, Italy) was an Italian banker and convicted felon. Sindona was a member of Propaganda Due, an Italian lodge of Masons, and had clear connections to the Mafia. He was poisoned in prison while serving a life sentence for the murder of lawyer Giorgio Ambrosoli."
This is what the english Wikipedia says at the top of the Michele Sindona entry:, this time seems that Wikipedia is not well moderated, but can be a starting point for another dark page of italian recent history;"Roberto Calvi (Milan, April 13, 1920 - London, June 17, 1982) was an Italian banker dubbed by the press as "God's Banker", due to his close association with the Vatican. Calvi was the chairman of the Banco Ambrosiano which collapsed in one of Italy's biggest modern political scandals, and his death in London in June 1982 has been the source of enduring controversy. At the time of writing, five people are on trial for his alleged murder. Claims have been made that Calvi's death involved the Vatican Bank (Banco Ambrosiano's main shareholder), the Mafia (which may have used Banco Ambrosiano for money laundering), and the Propaganda Due or P2 masonic lodge (which was claimed to have links to Gladio, a far right terrorist organization involved in the so-called strategia della tensione during the 1970s and 1980s.)"
and finally this is from the Roberto Calvi page, always on Wikipedia:, the last "offer" that the italian "SS Travel Agency" is offering to you, courtesy of Raqqash.
Occasionissima! Nuova Agenzia Viaggi SS
Questo blog si propone con una formula personale: il Lupo o il sottoscritto scrivono un post, l'altro ribatte sullo stesso argomento cercando tramite le sue fonti, e il nostro caro Esperto ci propone la sua terrena e concreta visione delle cose, da uomo della strada, nella speranza che il suo gentile ed inclito contributo ci sia di monito per mantenere i piedi per terra e non essere trascinati dallo zelo e dallo sdegno di cittadini non-consumatori.
Speriamo che la formula sia gradita e che avremo modo di instaurare nuove ed interessanti conversazioni.
Inauguro dunque questo nuovo e fiammante Blog con un post che farà la felicità di tutti gli amici consumatori.
Ammetto che ho faticato un po' ma i miei sforzi sono stati premiati con un po' di sana Informazione Seria e Utile e ora possiamo tutti usufruire di nuove ed interessanti offerte viaggio. E, signori e signori, è assolutamente gratis!
Le possibilità sono varie:
- se volete volare verso posti nuovi e sconosciuti dovete solo conoscere un po' di arabo e spacciarvi per simpatizzanti integralisti. Con un poco di fortuna e GRATUITAMENTE sarà la stessa C.I.A. a deport...ehm trasportarvi in nuovi e affascinanti luoghi, sconosciuti ai più e dove la compagnia e le novità non mancheranno di certo. E per i più convincenti, addirittura un posto nella stessa cell..cioè volevo dire nello stesso complesso residenziale di Abu Omar. Offertissime insomma!!
- se volete invece una vacanza a raggio più breve ma comunque non certo mancante di emozioni, e sempre ASSOLUTAMENTE GRATUITA, è sufficiente sapere un po' di computer ed indagare sul caso Telecom. A quel punto la favolosa Agenzia Viaggi SS vi farà avere immantinente l'opportunità di un bellissimo volo, e non temano coloro che soffrono di mal d'aereo. I cavalcavia non sono mai troppo alti, garantisce il buon Adamo Bove.
- per coloro che prediligono le mete culturali, è disponibile un bellissimo viaggio a Londra. E' sufficiente intraprendenza con i conti delle banche italiane e qualche conoscenza nel salotto buono della P2. L'offerta del mese della Agenzia Viaggi SS è, come sempre, gratuita e prevede un lungo e confortevole soggiorno nella capitale londinese. Sempre che non soffriate di vertigini perché penzolerete per un po' dai ponti di Londra. E ricordate, è GRATIS! Se non ci credete chiedete a Roberto Calvi.
- per i più estrosi e, diciamocelo, incontentabili, è disponibile una VACANZA AVVENTURA sempre GRATIS, che include:
- un falso rapimento
- vari viaggi in località esotiche della Sicilia, che vi permetteranno di godere della cucina locale sempre gratuitamente grazie alla sponsorship di vari ed autentici boss mafiosi
- inclusi nel pacchetto vacanza vari trip in Svizzera e al Vaticano a colloquio con influenti banchieri e cardinali dalla Alta Levatura morale
- soggiorni americani e varie serate di gala con ambasciatori e politici
Insomma che aspettate a cogliere al volo questa offerta?
Per maggiori dettagli, chiamare Michele Sindona.
Come dite? E' morto? Diamine un pacchetto viaggi gratuito come questo varrà bene una consulenza da una medium no?
SS Travel Agency Special Offers
Finally back at work from this new location, and it is with renewed energies that I plan to make of this blog a place of entertainment and interesting proposals.
This blog is to be ruled by a personal formula: il Lupo (the Wolf) or me (Raqqash) will write a post, and the other will reply to it with his own personal research on the matter. As a counterweight, the down to earth contributions of L’Esperto (our Expert) will keep us grounded and save us from unappropriate flights of fancy and other unwanted mental self-sex.
We hope this formula will be appreciated and will lead to many interesting conversations and contributions from anyone.
In this first post of mine I hope to be of help to many that are looking for some new and enjoyable trips in foreign or exciting locations at a very good price.
Here in Italy, as everyone knows, we are renowned as saints and travelers, but traveling can get to be expensive, so I looked and found a very good and cheap travel organization, the SS Travel Agency.
And all their proposals are absolutely for FREE!! The only thing is, you will have to possess certain skills and a minimum flexibility to be eligible to their exclusive and entertaining travels, but I assure you the fun is guaranteed!
Now then, to the various proposals:
- if you want to travel to new and foreign places, you only need some fluency with the arabian language, and to disguise yourself as a faithful muslim. Add to it a little bit of luck and absolutely for FREE (really, no expenses, no taxes!) there will be expert and competent personnel from the C.I.A. that will get you to exciting exotic locations where you will be able to enjoy some interesting conversations and will never run the risk to get bored.
If you are very good at playing your part you could even be one of the few to gain access to the same same bungalow as Abu Omar.
Other positive sides to the thing are you will not disturbed by work phone calls and you will enjoy total privacy. No one will get to you. Ever.
- if you are not one to love so much exotic locations, the SS Travel Agency will offer you a shorter and quicker trip to Italy, again, absolutely for FREE. The only requisites are some computer expertise and the willingness to investigate a bit in the shady but exciting italian Telecom affair. Fun and thrill await for you in this fantastic, though brief, stay in Italy, and SS Travel Agency is proud to reassure those that there is no risk of experiencing uncomfortably long air travels at great heights. Bridges in Italy are not that tall, but still they are enough. As the case of Adamo Bove proves.
- For those that prefer to experience a place rich of cultural offers, the SS Travel Agency offers a beautiful trip to London. You only need some willingness to mismanage and manipulate bank accounts and other irrelevant matters, and some acquaintances in Italy’s P2 masonic lodge.
The offer of the month is, as always, absolutely FREE and comprises a long and luxury-rich trip in London. Just make sure you are not subject to vertigo because in the end you will spend some time visiting the bridges in London. And hanging from a rope. Just remember it is all for FREE; in case you need any references just drop a call to the ex-banker Roberto Calvi.
- The SS Travel Agency can also flaunt an offer directed especially to the sophisticated sons of luxury:
A fantastic ADVENTURE TRIP for FREE! The package includes:
- traveling to the fascinating and history-rich Agency locations in Sicily, Italy, where you will enjoy local cuisine and the hospitality of various Mafia bosses.
- trips to Switzerland and the Vatican where you will encounter many important personalities, including influencial bank-owners and cardinals renowned for their elevated moral standards
- various possibilities of stays in the U.S. where you will enjoy high-society nights elbow to elbow with ambassadors and important politicians.
Now, what are you waiting for? Grab this wonderful opportunity, do it NOW! For further information, drop a call to Michele Sindona.
What ya say? He’s dead? Well, such an incredible holiday offer for FREE and you complain only because you have to contact a spirit of the dead? Sheesh.